I did not expect to leave you so early, I didn’t foresee that time would be against us here on this earth.
In hindsight I see why, I had played my part and I am blessed to have been returned back to infinite life. I now exist in everlasting joy, laughter, freedom and peace.
I exist in Omarion, Lenay , Kieron, David Jnr, Dad and ultimately you.
Your pain troubles me mom, it is to be expected; however I see, how in your soul, you carry confusion and regret. I see how you carry blame and hopelessness in your heart and that is not what I want Mom.
I had been given the greatest gift, 16 years of love in abundance and now infinite existence in a euphoric space. Paradise is what you would call it :).
Listen to me Mom, listen to when I call, because in this realm I can still communicate to you through an intangible force and energy that exists in your intuition and in your heart.
I am all around you, in the places we visited, I am in our tv shows and in our music. I am in the sunshine and I am in the clouds. Do not run away from it, for in those things I exist. I am in our games and in our pains. I am in the sound of la’rae’s giggle. I am in every bite of sister sheila’s cakes. I am in Brother Charlie’s studies, I am everywhere, that is what is so beautiful about leaving my house behind or should I say my body. I am no longer bound, I am everywhere.
You did your job, and loved me well, you carried my fears and anxieties. So now love yourself – love yourself mom because that is the only way you will win! It is the only way you can give, it is the only way to share your journey, the only way is to start by doing what ever it takes to love yourself, guilt free because now I am free.
love you mother – Happy mothers day ( from me and the gang).