All About Me

All About Me

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Jasmin Hamilton is a mother, wife and author of the inspirational book "From Pain to Purpose". Her resilience and transparency are testaments of her strength and trust in God. Losing a teenage daughter to cancer four years ago has made her have a more intimate relationship with God. Experiencing life’s rollercoaster of events, Jasmin has kept her faith in spite of being in a marriage where infidelity was evident. Jasmin chose to trust in her faith as she embraced the fact that she is a woman of passion and purpose. She has made a conscious decision to channel her efforts to inspire women of all nationalities by displaying a deep faith, hope and resilience.

Jasmin has courageously decided to transform her pain into her purpose through writing her first book in which she allows herself to be vulnerable and willing to share her story. The writing of her story has opened her soul about issues that we, as women, encounter on a daily basis in which many find themselves suffering in silence. Having worked in the dental profession for over 30 years, Jasmin always knew that she had a greater purpose and realised that there was so much more for her life. She recognised that her journey of self-discovery and resilience was not about her, but what she could offer up to her true purpose – inspiring women and giving them hope. Ultimately, walking the road of perseverance, pain, and prayer, Jasmin has found her comfort in helping others. The message she relays to her readers is that time is a healer, time is a comforter, and time is renewing of the mind and that there is purpose in your pain.

Jasmin’s vision is to encourage women around the globe to understand the power of faith and the miracles she encounters throughout her journey could not have come about if it were not for her relationship with God. No longer a bench warmer, Jasmin has grown into a powerful woman of God spreading the word irrespective of pride. She is a testament to being able to demonstrate forgiveness and wanting you to live your best life yet!

Check out my book!

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